
Looks like you’ve somehow stumbled upon my blog!

Hey there!
I am a 16 year old teenager who loves writing poetry and short stories. I sometimes write novels too. I love dancing, playing piano, coding, playing basketball and lawn tennis, not to forget blogging. 😄
Now that you’ve discovered my blog, I hope you enjoy it. ❤
Have a good day!
-Nikita 🙂

80 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello!! I just wanted you to know that I already think you are pretty great. I love you blog and appreciate very much that you spread the love out in the blogosphere. I have a Thursday Teenager Spotlight, that I would like you to consider writing a post for. You can find more information here: https://cmugrad817.wordpress.com/2016/02/07/calling-all-teenage-bloggers/ I know that you aren’t quite a teenager yet, but I really believe that you could contribute nicely to this project. Let me know what you think.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Nikita,
    This is great to see you here.
    Your poem is great.
    I too love nature and forests, flowers, rivers, ocean .
    You are superb writing such a nice poem.
    You made me feel proud.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello, just wanted to say thank you for following my blog and liking my posts! Really appreciate it and I like your blog! 🙂 x congrats on getting 100 followers as well!

    Liked by 1 person

      • My ‘novel’ was bound to hit a dead-end given the fact that I decided to start with protagonists whose names we Albus Severus Potter, Rose Weasley and Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Plus, I was probably your age and I used to write like a typical state board student. So, childish language and really basic English. What was your story, though?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hahahaha 😂
        Mine was about a child and his parents. O.o How creative I am. XD
        Okay, to the point. It was about a boy whose parents had mysteriously disappeared when he was about seven. When he grew up, he got anonymous presents and when he ‘touched’ them, he saw flashbacks of memories with his parents. Those presents that he received were his parents’ valuables. I never got a good ending for it, though a friend of mine suggested that he found his parents through those presents. >.<
        P.s Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy is a hilarious name. 😉 Looks like you're a potterhead!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Perhaps I should’ve been clearer. I started with protagonists whose names were (read above). The bane of the first chapter was ‘Nineteen Years Later’. Still unclear? 😏

        Liked by 1 person

  4. What a fabulous connection! A direct result of your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs, for which many thanks. Please consider writing a guest post for my blog, I would like that very much. More importantly, so would the readers.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. […] Nikita @ Bibliophile and a team of bloggers started a website called The Artistics, a blog that features creative writing, photography, music, and food articles. This is a fantastic idea, and I love the idea of having a team of bloggers, each with their own specialties, co-write a blog. I found this blog through Nikita, and you can check out her post The Artistics- It’s here! for more information. I follow both of these blogs, and I recommend checking them out. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi! It’s Jerrod and this is about The Artistics. You’ve been inactive so I just want to remind you to read the emails and if you can, respond to them so I know what’s happening haha. Also, there’s an upcoming magazine issue so I would totally need the help i could get. I’m sorry if I disturbed you in any ways, bye! 🙂


  7. Hey! Just want to notify you to answer an email about The Artistics (it’s called May Updates) because it’s really important. Thanks 🙂


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